Ancient heritage preservation assistance for every scenario
As a reflection of our history, our ancient heritage brings cultural, economic and historical value which we need to protect to pass on to future generations. However, these ancient structures do not always have a record of their construction or any changes that were made throughout their existence. As an owner of an ancient heritage structure you have therefore to keep a close eye on its state, particularly when it is open to the public. In order to assist you with the management and preservation of these structures, OSMOS offers bespoke solutions to control structural risks.
+200 Ancient heritage and historical monuments references
As a structural asset manager, enjoy OSMOS expertise
Our solutions permit to provide conclusive insights on the actual state of a structure and monitor any mechanical behavior changes over time. Thanks to the expertise provided, public contracting authorities, Chief Architects for Historical Monuments, architects from Architectes du Patrimoine and Bâtiments de France, building experts and private companies are well placed to ensure the conservation of our ancient heritage.
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Detection of structural defects
Prevention of disputes
Fissures, cracks, crevices
Creep, spillage, inclination, bursting force
Load-bearing capacity, differential settlement, discharging arch
External loads
Maintenance / Rehabilitation, restoration, improvement
Monitoring of surrounding structures
Preventive referral and legal risk
Ground-works loadspreading, injections, drafts
Crisis management
Disasters, protective measures
Climate phenomena
Extraordinary events
Monitoring of defects and potential defects
By monitoring the physical parameters of the most critical structure areas, OSMOS can provide a structural behavior analysis to assess stability and detect any possible drift. Our solutions allow us to detect all structural problems whether they are visible or not, and to monitor all defect changes over time.
Controlling environmental risks
Benefiting from continuous, real-time measurements, OSMOS can not only analyze the structure’s long-term behavioral trends, but also the impact of occasional stresses, also known as dynamic stresses. These can include nearby works or surrounding structures, climate phenomena and earthquakes which can lead to or escalate structural deficiencies on the ancient building.
The solution to your issues: the results of our analyses
OSMOS follows various parameters in the long term in order to detect any structural defects early on and to assess the stability of the buildings and any changes that have occurred over time. Our teams are therefore equipped to recognize and anticipate the building’s mechanical behavior in order to identify and prevent any structural risks.
Temperature variations, climate phenomena, works or surrounding structures can all damage ancient heritage. OSMOS applies methodology that leverages the continuous, real-time measurements recorded. We also analyze longterm structural behavioral trends, as well as the impact of dynamic events on the structure’s state of health. Our solutions allow us to measure and assess environmental and human activity effects on structures.
OSMOS helps you
A lack of regular upkeep can create major defects, which in turn will eventually require heavy restoration works. Verify your structure’s state of health at any time and anticipate heavy works.
Protect and promote ancient structures to preserve the cultural & historic interest of monuments and target key actions to be taken to retain this interest for future generations.
Our monitoring systems function in real time and immediately detect any abnormal behavior, for optimal safety control.
Protect your structure’s esthetic appeal and integrity by using our discrete systems which are designed with your structure in mind. Our systems can also be built directly into the stonework. We regularly work with member companies of the Association of Restoration Companies of Historical Monuments (Groupement des entreprises de restauration des Monuments Historiques).
Ensure your structure’s availability, thanks to preventive management, by taking action in the right place, at the right time, so you can prevent urgent situations where closures to the public are necessary.
By undertaking adequate maintenance work and managing priorities, upkeep costs can be significantly reduced.